Backpropagation and Radial Basis Function Methods for Predicting Rainfall in Sukabumi City Using Artificial Neural Networks: A Comparative Analysis

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Sholahudin Sholahudin
Andika Kurniawan
Wahyu Dwi Nurhidayat
Muhammad Alif Alfaturisya
Ilyas Aminuddin
Anggi Dwiyanto
Yordanius Damey
Akhmad Afifuddin
Muhammad Syahrul Fauzi
Fandi Sugih
Muchtar Ali Setyo Yudono


The weather has a substantial impact on the ability to live organisms to carry out everyday activities, particularly outside activities. Weather data is helpful in various fields, including marine, aviation, and agriculture. The maritime domain is beneficial for establishing the optimal navigation time for a fisherman, the aviation domain helps reduce climate-related mishaps, and the agriculture sector uses weather information to develop harvest season models for agricultural products. Indonesia is a tropical nation with heavy precipitation. Utilized for various objectives, rainfall forecasting models seek the utmost precision, particularly in specialized areas such as flood control. This study is based on two techniques: the Radial Basis Function Neural Network (RBFNN) and Backpropagation Neural Network (BPNN) techniques using multiple training functions. The RBFNN approach yields less accurate results for predicting precipitation, but the multi-practice BPNN method yields more accurate results.

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How to Cite
S. Sholahudin, “Backpropagation and Radial Basis Function Methods for Predicting Rainfall in Sukabumi City Using Artificial Neural Networks: A Comparative Analysis”, Fidelity, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 25-28, May 2022.
Received 2022-03-25
Accepted 2022-04-21
Published 2022-05-31


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