About the Journal
Fidelity : Jurnal Teknik Elektro is a publication media for research in the field of Electrical Engineering, especially in the scope of Instrumentation, control, signal processing, telecommunications, computers and electric power. Published manuscripts or papers have been reviewed by peer reviewers and have passed the plagiarism test. This journal provides fully open access to electrical engineering content with the aim of contributing to the free dissemination of knowledge to the public and supporting the global exchange of knowledge. The Fidelity Journal is published by the Electrical Engineering Study Program, Nusa Putra University.
Topics that can be submitted for publication in this journal include:
- Electronics,
- Mechatronics,
- Robotics,
- Unmanned Vehicles,
- Electric Cars,
- Agricultural Equipment Technology,
- Medical Devices,
- Image Processing,
- Artificial Intelligence,
- Internet Of Things Innovations,
- Telecommunication Systems,
- Wireless Technology,
- Radar,
- Information Systems,
- Industrial Engineering,
- Industrial Technology
FIDELITY : Jurnal Teknik Elektro is published every four months, namely in January, May, and September. Publications are published in print and electronic versions using the Open Journal System on the page https://fidelity.nusaputra.ac.id. In each publication, the Fidelity Journal contains a minimum of 5 (five) relevant research or study articles.