Implementation of Induction Motor Speed Control Using a PID Controller

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Abdul Muis Prasetia
Muhammad Nur Ramadani


The three-phase induction machine that is used has a constant speed in accordance with the factory capacity without being able to adjust the speed. The inverter is a motor speed control device by changing the frequency value that enters the motor. Setting the frequency value is intended to obtain the desired rotation speed or as needed. But the inverter itself needs to be added with a controller so that the control value of the motor can be adjusted according to the desired needs. PID controller is a controller that is most widely used in the field of control systems in the industrial world. Combining the three PID constants in parallel can cover every disadvantage and strength of each constant so that a good controller is obtained. Based on the results of the experiments that have been carried out, it can be concluded that the speed of the three-phase induction motor can work well. When tested by giving values of Kp = 02, Ki = 0 and Kd = 3.7, it was found that the motor speed response had a Time Constant = 1.5 seconds, Rise time = 2.2 seconds and Settling time = 2.7 seconds.

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How to Cite
A. M. Prasetia and M. N. Ramadani, “Implementation of Induction Motor Speed Control Using a PID Controller”, Fidelity, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 12-20, Jan. 2024.
Received 2023-09-14
Accepted 2023-12-31
Published 2024-01-31


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