Analysis of Air Circuit Breaker (ACB) MVS20N as a Protection System for AC Combiner Panels at PT. Tiga Kreasi Indonesia

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Apriliano Chandra Diva
Didik Aribowo


The study explores the functionality and performance of Air Circuit Breaker (ACB) as a protective mechanism employing air arc extinguishing medium. ACBs find utility in both low and medium voltage panels, utilizing atmospheric pressure air to extinguish arcs generated during switching events or disturbances. This research undertakes a comprehensive analysis of ACB components, wiring configurations, and the calibration of threshold values, including the electric tripping unit system. Employing a methodology involving observation, interviews, and literature review, the study determines critical parameters such as the incoming current value (2000 A), Ir (0.4), Lsd (2), and Tr (0.5). The established threshold limit for ACB activation is set at 800 A, with the Lsd/current reaching 1,600 A upon ACB activation, triggering automatic tripping if the current surpasses 1,600 A. The study also identifies the activation time (0.5 seconds) for ACB tripping upon receiving currents exceeding 1,600 A. Analysis reveals pre-alarm deactivation at 85% current level, while activation occurs at 90%, indicating impending electrical tripping. For instance, Ir of 800 A signifies overload threshold, leading to automatic ACB deactivation and circuit shutdown upon current surpassing 800 A. Similarly, exceeding the short circuit threshold of 1,600 A triggers automatic ACB activation, ensuring circuit safety. This research sheds light on critical aspects of ACB functionality and performance, offering insights into its efficient operation and protective capabilities in electrical systems.

Article Details

How to Cite
A. C. D. Chandra and D. Aribowo, “Analysis of Air Circuit Breaker (ACB) MVS20N as a Protection System for AC Combiner Panels at PT. Tiga Kreasi Indonesia”, Fidelity, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 75-86, Jan. 2024.
Received 2023-11-27
Accepted 2024-01-17
Published 2024-01-31


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