Analysis of the Decrease in Insulation Resistance of Pin Type Porcelain Insulation at the ULP Ampera of PT PLN (Persero)

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Dewi Tiara Priscillia
Lubis Zulkarnain


Isolators are one of the assets at PT PLN, which serve as separators between the energized and non-energized parts. Maintenance is performed by replacing damaged isolators when there are indications of reduced insulation resistance. In this journal, the insulation resistance values were measured using a Kyoritsu Insulation Tester and six porcelain isolator samples in various conditions were used. The aim was to determine the extent of the decrease in insulation resistance values, as well as the leakage current and touch voltage values based on Ohm's law formula. Based on the measurement results, the sixth isolator in partially damaged condition is the worst, supported by an insulation resistance value of 800 MΩ for a test voltage of 10kV and 400 MΩ for a test voltage of 5kV. In good condition, the measured insulation resistance value of the isolator is 1 TΩ. Based on the calculation results, in the sixth condition, the leakage current values were 6.25 mA and 25 mA, and the touch voltage values, assuming an average human insulation resistance value of 1000 Ω, were 6.25 Volts and 25 Volts. According to 0520-2.K.DIR.2014 standards, the insulation resistance values meet the requirement that 1kV insulation resistance can be sustained by 1MΩ and are still below the maximum touch voltage limit, which is < 50V effective.

Article Details

How to Cite
D. Tiara Priscillia and L. Zulkarnain, “Analysis of the Decrease in Insulation Resistance of Pin Type Porcelain Insulation at the ULP Ampera of PT PLN (Persero)”, Fidelity, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 1-11, Jan. 2024.
Received 2023-09-11
Accepted 2023-12-31
Published 2024-01-31


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