Ultrasonic Sensor for Measurement of Water Flow Rate in Horizontal Pipes Using Segment Area

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Anang Suryana
Muchtar Ali Setyo Yudono


Measurement of flow rate in wastewater pipes is still challenging to be done in real-time. The main challenge in wastewater measurement is the non-homogeneity of wastewater due to the presence of solid waste material. This becomes a hindrance when using mechanical flow measurement or direct contact between the fluid and the measuring device. Therefore, the solution is to perform non-contact flow measurement between the fluid and the measuring device. In this study, a flow sensor was developed for a horizontal pipe using the cross-sectional area measurement method on a horizontal pipe measured by an ultrasonic sensor as the fluid level measuring device. The ultrasonic sensor can measure the height of the fluid level, allowing the flow velocity and cross-sectional area of the horizontal pipe to be determined. The basis of this measurement is that any flowing fluid in a pipe that experiences a change in velocity will also experience a change in volume or fluid level. This measurement is in accordance with the continuity equation. From the calibration results, an error of 1.7% was obtained for the height measurement from the ultrasonic sensor compared to the ruler used as a height calibration tool. Meanwhile, the error in the flow velocity measurement from the ultrasonic sensor compared to the calibration results using the tracker software was 4.2%. The error in volume measurement from the ultrasonic sensor compared to the standard measuring tool, a 5-liter beaker glass, was 0.8%. As a conclusion, flow rate measurement using the ultrasonic sensor with the cross-sectional area measurement method can be used to measure the flow rate in a horizontal pipe with a diameter of 11 cm.

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How to Cite
A. Suryana and M. A. S. Yudono, “Ultrasonic Sensor for Measurement of Water Flow Rate in Horizontal Pipes Using Segment Area”, Fidelity, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 60-68, Jan. 2023.
Received 2022-11-14
Accepted 2022-12-28
Published 2023-01-31


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