Requirements Gathering for Building a Hospital Queuing Dashboard and Automatic Voice Dialing

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Putri Valentina Tambunan
Ezra Agustini Pasaribu
Erlina Febiola Nainggolan
Frengki Simatupang


This research analyzes how the queuing process currently occurs at Porsea Hospital which still uses a manual system and to analyze how this system can influence the effectiveness of the queuing process between patients and the hospital administration. The focus of this research is to build a tool called the hospital queue dashboard and automatic voice dialing. Data collection was carried out using qualitative methods and through descriptive data analysis using archival research techniques. With archival research, ten journals were studied as references in building the system. The results obtained from the journals studied are that changes are still needed in the system used to overcome the current queues, considering that the tools used in the system are still less efficient in their use for patients and administration. Therefore, researchers will build a system called hospital queue dashboard and automatic voice dialing using components consisting of a 16 x 4 LCD as a dashboard to display queue numbers and patient queue status, an Arduino speaker as a caller for patient queue numbers and using buttons as buttons. the input that the patient will press to receive the desired output. which will be used to overcome queuing problems that occur in hospitals and overcome inefficient queuing processes. It is hoped that this system can be a solution in overcoming the queuing process in hospitals and can increase efficiency and comfort between patients and hospital administration in the queuing process.

Article Details

How to Cite
P. V. Tambunan, E. A. Pasaribu, E. F. Nainggolan, and F. Simatupang, “Requirements Gathering for Building a Hospital Queuing Dashboard and Automatic Voice Dialing”, Fidelity, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 34-40, May 2024.
Received 2024-05-22
Published 2024-05-31


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